Kindness, Mischief and Music

Image via Pixabay

Today’s questions are simple and straightforward.

Do you often extend kindness to others? When was the last time a kindness was extended to you?
I may not be kind if it is in terms of extending money or resources. Frankly speaking, extending money to someone in today’s times is a far fetched act of kindness as everyone is having their own lot of debt or priority piled. I am kind enough to  let someone have my helping hand. I like to keep things in place (without fail) so that people find them quickly in need. It is things like these that I count on being kind.

What was the last mischievous thing you did?
I do lot of mischief when I get along with the kids gang. Recently I teamed up with my 15 year old neice and decided to prepare noodles at 1 AM. Though this is not that mischievous, but it was really fun to cook and eat when the whole house was snoring. To top on that, she even put the empty bowls under my paternal aunty-in-law’s bed, so that nobody would know it was us. Well, I must admit being mischievous at times brings back life in us.

How often do you sing with just your voice? No radio, no music, no accompanying voices?

I always sing. To be honest (not bragging, but to answer), I am a good singer. I sing while doing chores or cooking or working. Now a days, I am singing to my 6 months old daughter. She seems to love music and I get her ready while singing, most of the times baby rhymes. It is interesting that these days when I open my mouth to start singing, I start singing baby songs, effortlessly.

Written in response to Maggie’s – Three Things – Tranquil Thursday #12

Three Things – Tranquil Thursday #12

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